- A microwave oven!
- A 5-10cm deep dish that fits into the oven. If you have a small oven like mine, you might need to do 2 batches
- A measuring jug
- small pot to melt the butter
- microwave-suitable cling film
INGREDIENTS: Serves about 4 people..
- 6-7 large potatoes, peeled, and kept in a bowl of cold water
- 2-3 cloves of garlic, very finely chopped
- 10-15cm long sprig of rosemary, leaves removed, very finely chopped.
- 175ml whipping cream
- 50mls milk
- 25g butter
- salt and pepper
- Combine the chopped garlic and rosemary, and put to one side
- Mix the cream and the milk together.
- Put the butter into the pot ready for melting
- Slice the potatoes – as thin as you can, or if you have a mandolin, now’s the day to dust it off.
- Butter the dish.
- Put the potato slices into the dish, they don’t have to be particularly neat, but do spread them evenly.
- When half of the potatoes are in the dish, sprinkle 1/2 of the rosemary/garlic mixture over, and season well with salt and pepper.
- Finish off the rest of the potatoes and finish with the last of the herb mixture and more salt and pepper.
- Melt the butter, and pour it over the whole lot, then pour the cream/ milk over as well.
- Cover with cling film, and stab it 3 or 4 times to let the steam out.
- Put it into the microwave oven, and cook for 25-30 mins on MEDIUM
- About 2/3rds of the way through the cooking time, check that the dish is cooking as planned.
- When the time is up; the potatoes are soft and the liquid is reduced, allow it to sit for 5 minutes, and you can either serve it as it is, or put it into a 180° oven for about 10 mins to brown, or sprinkle with cheese and roast in the oven for 10 mins.
- When you are ready to serve it, just cut it into slices, and wait for the compliments!
- You can cook this in advance of dinner, cover with tin foil, and chill until needed. Give it 15 minutes covered at about 180 degrees, and then another 5-10 uncovered. If I’m doing this I tend to sprinkle some Parmesan over before I reheat it.
- If the potatoes are smooth skinned – I use almost any variety for this dish – I tend to just give them a good scrubbing, and leave the skins on before slicing.
- There are rarely any leftovers, but they’ll reheat in the microwave for you the next day, for a tasty ‘cook-treat’ lunch!