Seasonal walks amongst colourful, leafy forests and local parks have given me time to think these past few weeks.

I took this picture by chance at Shawsbridge last October – it looked like a young Witch practicing her levitation exercises! It’s one of my favourites!
Once my brain hits Halloween, it stops for a minute to remember my own childhood Halloween celebrations – Turnips hollowed out into a Jack O’Lantern by Dad, bobbing for apples; dressing up in old clothes (no bought costumes for us, back in the day), cardboard masks that got soft and damp if you wore them for too long – anyone remember those? And getting sweets, apples and the odd sixpence from our neighbours.. Good times..
I was driving though my local neighbourhood yesterday and so many people have their Halloween decorations up! I was smiling as I drove by.. Time was, my house was festooned with skeletons and witches too, but nowadays it’s a much more refined event with an Autumnal wreath on the door, and a sparkly Pumpkin that I couldn’t resist from a shop in town
There are lots of Pumpkin-inspired cakes and pies, and plenty of cosy dinner recipes over on www.eatingforireland.com to warm us up when we’ve been out in the chilly air so head over and have a wee look..
Pumpkin Scones:https://eatingforireland.com/recipe/pumpkin-scones/
There’s a load of hearty, warming winter recipes over on Eating for Ireland, so do please spend a happy – and hopefully useful – half hour there for some perfect dinners for cold days and nights.
Once I’ve given some thought to Halloween, I move rapidly on, and you all know where I’m going next, don’t you?
Yes, I’m going to talk about that Big Eating, Drinking, and Present-Giving Festival at the end of the year – and how to take a few easy steps to get ahead and enjoy all that this Festive season will bring us – at the time of writing, I’m not exactly sure what the Festive season is going to look like this year, but we’re still going to need mince pies, right?
Let’s face it, Halloween is only slightly scary compared to that, so I’m going to leave it until next time to tell you all about it – bet you can’t wait!
I’ll say no more.. I’ll just leave this picture for you to think about..
Ok, that’s three pictures, but hey, it’s Halloween!!