Blackberry time!

Blackberries (7)

I was putting the washing out on the line this afternoon, when a crop of wild blackberries caught my eye.

Yes, I do indeed have that kind of garden – for more proof, see my previous blog about the Bee-loud glade –  – the kind of garden where unplanted things thrive. The unplanted items are not all as useful as the blackberry crop I’ve just picked, but having a mess of a garden keeps me humble 😉 – and entertained!

Blackberries (4)

You may be forgiven for thinking that this is all going to lead to a recipe for Blackberry jam, but no, I have a far more devious plan for them. This first crop – there are masses more yet to come – are going to be carefully inspected for wildlife and other undesirables, and once they’ve passed muster they’re going to be frozen. I’ve put a note at the top of the family diary for the second week in December to remind me that they’re in the freezer, awaiting their moment of glory, when I turn them into an apple and blackberry pie (or crumble – it’s too early to decide) which will be offered as dessert on Christmas Eve.

Blackberries (1)

There. I’ve done it. I’ve said the ‘C’ word.

In fairness, you shouldn’t be that surprised – I do advocate forward planning you know  :) – Did you really think that I wouldn’t follow my own advice? I’ve been doing this stuff for years, and it works for me.

While the sun is still shining, I think I’ll go out and clear my last remaining Blueberry bush, and allow them to join their cousins in the freezer  – those pancakes won’t make themselves you know..

pancakes 3


To keep you all happy, I will try not to mention the ‘C’ word again until the kids have gone back to school.. :)

Have a lovely weekend! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for those blackberries! :)

Here are a few links to some of the items mentions in this blog:


I started writing down recipes in an old copybook when I was about 16. With 6 children at home, my Mother was always glad of a hand in the kitchen, and really allowed us to experiment - as long as we washed up afterwards, and left the kitchen immaculate! Having a tidy kitchen has followed me through my life, as has the habit of writing down my favourite recipes; except that these days I write them for my website, and add photographs when I can. The website really started when it occurred to me that my daughter might like to have these recipes when I've forgotten them. In my early days of cooking for family and friends, I used to phone my Mum all the time to ask her for the recipe for some of our favourite family dinners. She rarely had a recipe to hand - I think, like me, she made a lot of it up as she went along.. So welcome to Eating for Ireland - these are the recipes that my friends and family having been eating these past 40 years.. yes, I truly am ancient! They are tried and tested, and have worked for me for all that time - I have updated them as new ingredients became available - I really hope you'll find something that you can make into a family favourite of your own. You don't have to tell anyone where you found these great new dishes that you're serving up - it can be our little secret, but I'd really love it if you could give me a sneaky 'follow' on Facebook and Instagram.. So off you go - have a good rummage around, you're bound to find something new! My sincere thanks to all of you who have found a recipe that you liked and dropped me a line to tell me - I really do love to hear from you! Happy Cooking! Becks xx

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