A lucky trip to the supermarket resulted in me getting 2 boxes of expensive ‘Taste the Difference’ Strawberries at the knock-down price of 89p each – yeeeoo, result!
With our new love of the Greek yoghurt Granola bowl – here’s the recipe for that – – https://eatingforireland.com/recipe/homemade-coconut-and-mango-granola/
We’ve been using a lot of fruit with our breakfasts, but obviously not 2 whole boxes of strawberries in one/two sittings, so I made those bargain strawberries into a Compote which will keep in the fridge for about 2 weeks.
Here’s the recipe; and no, you’re right, it’s not going to last 2 weeks..
- A saucepan to hold all the strawberries
- a Wooden spoon
- A sterilised jam pot or two, depending on size, number of strawbs etc..
- Strawberries, as many as you like.
- Optional: Vanilla extract, Sugar
- Fresh lemon juice
- Briefly rinse the strawberries under some water, shake dry.
- Hull, and cut the largest ones into halves or quarters – I like to keep as much whole strawberries as possible.
- Put the berries into the saucepan – with nothing more than the water that was left over on them after washing – and cook on a gentle/low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally, until they are fully cooked (stab with the tip of a sharp knife)
- Give a really good squeeze of lemon juice – See NOTES 1
- Transfer to jam pots. Cover and cool.
- Taste when it’s fully cold – you will realise then if you need to add sugar/vanilla extract/more lemon juice.
- Keep this compote sealed and in the fridge.
- Add a dollop – you actually need surprisingly little to raise your Granola/Yoghurt game to stratospheric levels – to whatever you fancy.
- The fresh lemon juice isn’t there to make this compote bitter, it acts as a flavour enhancer, so definitely give it a go, it really changes the flavour – in a good way!
- Keeping the addition of sugar etc until the compote is cold is well worthwhile – tasting the hot compote is actually not that pleasant, and you’ll get a much more realistic impression of the true flavour when it’s cold.
- This compote is perfect as an accompaniment to any dessert – a spoonful beside a slice of cake, a splash over meringue.. I’m sure you’ll have no problem thinking up more uses!