- A toaster or grill.
- a heated oven
- A sharp, serrated knife,
- an airtight box
- A loaf of thick sliced white bread (when’s the last time you saw that as an ingredient in a recipe?)
- Allow one slice per person
- Cut off the crusts on all sides.
- Toast the bread until it is a light golden brown, and allow to cool slightly.
- Using the knife, cut through the slice of toast horizontally until the insides are revealed.
- Allow to cool, and remove any big lumps of bread dough.
- Put the untoasted side up on a baking tray and put into a moderate oven for about 10-15 mins, until brown and crispy. Check it fairly regularly to avoid charcoal toast (one of my specialties!)
- When toasted, allow it to cool completely before storing it in an airtight box.