When I met him first, Mr Saturday Night used to regale me with tales of coming home from Games on a Saturday morning and having an entire tin of Heinz Tomato soup for lunch. More recent forays into the world of Tomato soup had proven rather disappointing, I fear.
Disappointing that is, until today, when I whisked up this batch of soup using tinned tomatoes. It’s loosely based on a recipe by Deb Perelman of the Smitten Kitchen, but instead of oven-roasting the tinned tomatoes, I just jumped straight in…
So, here’s my version of Grown-Up Tomato soup; ‘grown-up’ because it’s got a drop of Brandy in it. Oh, and a dollop of cream too. It’s seriously delicious…
- A large saucepan.
- A chopping board and a sharp knife
- A hand blender or Liquidiser
- 4-5 Shallots, very finely chopped
- a good knob of butter
- 1 tablespoon of Sundried Tomato Paste
- A pinch of ground Allspice (not to be confused with mixed spice)
- 2 tins of Tomatoes – I used the ‘finely chopped’ variety
- 1 pint/500mls Hot Chicken or Vegetable stock
- Salt, to taste.
- A pinch of Cayenne Pepper
- 1-2 dessertspoons of Brandy
- A swirl of whipping cream
- Melt the butter in the saucepan.
- Add the finely chopped Shallots, Tomato Paste and Allspice.
- Stir well, cover, cook for about 10 minutes.
- Make up the Stock.
- Once the Shallot mixture has broken down a little, stir in most of the Stock.
- Add the Tomatoes.
- Use the last of the Stock to rinse out the tins and add to the pot.
- Cook for about 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and blitz with a hand-held processor until smooth.
- Taste, and add salt and the pinch of ground Cayenne pepper
- Stir in the Brandy.
- Heat until it’s piping hot, then ladle into heated bowls and top each one with a swirl of cream.
- Watch the facial expressions change from ‘Meh, Tomato Soup’ to ‘Woah, what’s this?!’
- Even starting from scratch today, this took me about 20 minutes to make, from start to finish – great for an impromptu lunch.
- If you’re going to serve the whole pot immediately, add the cream and stir it in before you serve the soup. If you’re keeping it for later, add the Brandy and Cream just before serving
- If you’re thinking about freezing it, just freeze it without the brandy or Cream, and label it carefully, reminding yourself about the additions required.