About Eating For Ireland
Based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Eating for Ireland is a food and lifestyle page which grew from an old notebook filled with the hand-written recipes (mostly) thought up and used on a daily basis by me.
New and seasonal recipes will be posted regularly.
It's not all about food though, as we get out and about to beautiful places all over Ireland which I'll share with you, and of course the on-going quest for the perfect scone - I'll let you know when I find it...
A Father’s Day ...
Several companies emailed me recently to ask if I wished to opt out of father’s day posts. I said ‘yes

Everyday Home-made scones
My friends and family love these scones, and appear to be so impressed by them (or else they are all

Latest Photos

30 years in Belfast..
I’d just put the dinner into the oven when the doorbell rang, and there was my old pal Liz

A Saturday stroll at Rowallane..
Saturday’s a great day to visit National Trust properties – it’s like Sunday, but not as busy! You tend to

Changeable weather.. Summer 2019
What a big change from that glorious summer last year! I suppose when we get a proper Summer – hose-pipe

November and December pictures..
Much as I love the sunny days of Summer, I always think that in Ireland we get the best light